Amiga Plus 2002 #12
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 12.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
642 lines
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/alerts.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
#include <graphics/gels.h>
#include <graphics/view.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "animtools.h"
#include "saga.h"
#include "counters.h"
IMPORT struct GfxBase* GfxBase;
IMPORT struct Window *MainWindowPtr,
IMPORT struct WorldStruct world[36 + 30];
IMPORT struct HeroStruct hero[HEROES + 1];
IMPORT struct JarlStruct jarl[JARLS + 1];
IMPORT struct MonsterStruct monster[MONSTERS + 1];
IMPORT struct TreasureStruct treasure[TREASURES + 1];
IMPORT struct SordStruct sord[SORDS + 1];
IMPORT UWORD DisplayDepth;
MODULE struct GelsInfo *GInfoPtr = NULL,
*InfoGInfoPtr = NULL;
MODULE struct Bob *InfoBobPtr[TREASURES + 1 + 1],
*HeroBobPtr[HEROES + 1],
*JarlBobPtr[JARLS + 1],
*MonsterBobPtr[MONSTERS + 1],
*TreasureBobPtr[TREASURES + 1],
*SordBobPtr[SORDS + 1];
/* The word `Sword' is deliberately mispelled (within the source code) as
Sord. This avoids collisions with the SWORD (signed word) typedef. */
{ NULL, // initial image
COUNTERWIDTH, // width in words
COUNTERHEIGHT, // line height
DEPTH, // image depth
0x7F, // PlanePick
0, // PlaneOnOff
SAVEBACK | OVERLAY, // VSprite flags
FALSE, // double buffer?
0, // raster depth
HIDDEN_X, HIDDEN_Y, // x, y position (filled later)
0, // hit mask
0 // me mask
AGLOBAL void createcounters(void)
{ SLONG whichhero, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichtreasure, whichsord;
if (!(GInfoPtr = setupGelSys(MainWindowPtr->RPort, 0x03)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't set up GELs!\0", 24);
NewBob.nb_RasDepth = DisplayDepth;
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = HeroData[whichhero];
if (!(HeroBobPtr[whichhero] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make hero bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(HeroBobPtr[whichhero], MainWindowPtr->RPort);
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = UnknownJarlData;
if (!(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make jarl bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl], MainWindowPtr->RPort);
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = MonsterData[whichmonster];
if (!(MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make monster bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster], MainWindowPtr->RPort);
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = TreasureData[whichtreasure];
if (!(TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make treasure bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure], MainWindowPtr->RPort);
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = SordData[whichsord];
if (!(SordBobPtr[whichsord] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make sord bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(SordBobPtr[whichsord], MainWindowPtr->RPort);
} }
AGLOBAL void destroycounters(void)
{ SLONG whichhero, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichtreasure, whichsord;
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ if (HeroBobPtr[whichhero])
{ remove_hero(whichhero, FALSE);
} }
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ if (JarlBobPtr[whichjarl])
{ remove_jarl(whichjarl, FALSE);
} }
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ if (MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster])
{ remove_monster(whichmonster, FALSE);
} }
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if (TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure])
{ remove_treasure(whichtreasure, FALSE);
} }
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if (SordBobPtr[whichsord])
{ remove_sord(whichsord, FALSE);
} }
if (GInfoPtr)
{ refreshcounters();
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ if (HeroBobPtr[whichhero])
{ freeBob(HeroBobPtr[whichhero], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
HeroBobPtr[whichhero] = NULL;
} }
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ if (JarlBobPtr[whichjarl])
{ freeBob(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl] = NULL;
} }
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ if (MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster])
{ freeBob(MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster] = NULL;
} }
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if (TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure])
{ freeBob(TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure] = NULL;
} }
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if (SordBobPtr[whichsord])
{ freeBob(SordBobPtr[whichsord], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
SordBobPtr[whichsord] = NULL;
} }
if (GInfoPtr)
{ cleanupGelSys(GInfoPtr, MainWindowPtr->RPort);
} }
AGLOBAL void unslot_hero(SLONG whichhero)
{ if (hero[whichhero].slot != -1)
{ world[hero[whichhero].where].slot[hero[whichhero].slot] = FALSE;
hero[whichhero].slot = -1;
} }
AGLOBAL void unslot_jarl(SLONG whichjarl)
{ if (jarl[whichjarl].slot != -1)
{ world[jarl[whichjarl].where].slot[jarl[whichjarl].slot] = FALSE;
jarl[whichjarl].slot = -1;
} }
AGLOBAL void unslot_monster(SLONG whichmonster)
{ if (monster[whichmonster].slot != -1)
{ world[monster[whichmonster].where].slot[monster[whichmonster].slot] = FALSE;
monster[whichmonster].slot = -1;
} }
AGLOBAL void unslot_treasure(SLONG whichtreasure)
{ if (treasure[whichtreasure].slot != -1)
{ world[treasure[whichtreasure].where].slot[treasure[whichtreasure].slot] = FALSE;
treasure[whichtreasure].slot = -1;
} }
AGLOBAL void unslot_sord(SLONG whichsord)
{ if (sord[whichsord].slot != -1)
{ world[sord[whichsord].where].slot[sord[whichsord].slot] = FALSE;
sord[whichsord].slot = -1;
} }
AGLOBAL void move_hero(SLONG whichhero, FLAG display)
{ SLONG whichslot;
// This assumes the counter has already been unslotted from its old
// location.
for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
{ if (!(world[hero[whichhero].where].slot[whichslot]))
{ hero[whichhero].slot = whichslot;
} }
world[hero[whichhero].where].slot[whichslot] = TRUE;
HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->X = world[hero[whichhero].where].centrex - 12;
HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y = world[hero[whichhero].where].centrey - 12 - (whichslot * 7);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void move_monster(SLONG whichmonster, FLAG display)
{ SLONG whichslot;
// This assumes the counter has already been unslotted from its old
// location.
for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
{ if (!(world[monster[whichmonster].where].slot[whichslot]))
{ monster[whichmonster].slot = whichslot;
} }
world[monster[whichmonster].where].slot[whichslot] = TRUE;
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->X = world[monster[whichmonster].where].centrex - 12;
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y = world[monster[whichmonster].where].centrey - 12 - (whichslot * 7);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void move_jarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ SLONG whichslot;
// This assumes the counter has already been unslotted from its old
// location.
for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
{ if (!(world[jarl[whichjarl].where].slot[whichslot]))
{ jarl[whichjarl].slot = whichslot;
} }
world[jarl[whichjarl].where].slot[whichslot] = TRUE;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->X = world[jarl[whichjarl].where].centrex - 12;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y = world[jarl[whichjarl].where].centrey - 12 - (whichslot * 7);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void move_treasure(SLONG whichtreasure, FLAG display)
{ SLONG whichslot;
// This assumes the counter has already been unslotted from its old
// location.
for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
{ if (!(world[treasure[whichtreasure].where].slot[whichslot]))
{ treasure[whichtreasure].slot = whichslot;
} }
world[treasure[whichtreasure].where].slot[whichslot] = TRUE;
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->X = world[treasure[whichtreasure].where].centrex - 12;
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y = world[treasure[whichtreasure].where].centrey - 12 - (whichslot * 7);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void move_sord(SLONG whichsord, FLAG display)
{ SLONG whichslot;
// This assumes the counter has already been unslotted from its old
// location.
for (whichslot = 0; whichslot <= SLOTS; whichslot++)
{ if (!(world[sord[whichsord].where].slot[whichslot]))
{ sord[whichsord].slot = whichslot;
} }
world[sord[whichsord].where].slot[whichslot] = TRUE;
SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->X = world[sord[whichsord].where].centrex - 12;
SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y = world[sord[whichsord].where].centrey - 12 - (whichslot * 7);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void init_counters(void)
{ SLONG whichhero, whichinfobob, whichjarl, whichmonster, whichtreasure,
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ hero[whichhero].slot = -1;
HeroBobPtr[whichhero] = NULL;
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ jarl[whichjarl].slot = -1;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl] = NULL;
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ monster[whichmonster].slot = -1;
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster] = NULL;
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ treasure[whichtreasure].slot = -1;
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure] = NULL;
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ sord[whichsord].slot = -1;
SordBobPtr[whichsord] = NULL;
for (whichinfobob = 0; whichinfobob <= TREASURES + 1; whichinfobob++)
{ InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob] = NULL;
} }
AGLOBAL void revealjarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ jarl[whichjarl].face = FACEUP;
jarl[whichjarl].recruitable = TRUE;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->ImageData = JarlData[whichjarl];
// InitMasks(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void hidejarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ jarl[whichjarl].face = FACEDOWN;
jarl[whichjarl].recruitable = FALSE;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->ImageData = UnknownJarlData;
// InitMasks(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL SLONG checkcounters(SWORD mousex, SWORD mousey, SLONG* countertype)
{ SLONG foundy,
whichcounter = -1,
whichtreasure, whichsord;
FLAG found = FALSE;
*(countertype) = -1;
/* This assumes that counters with higher y-values (ie. lower on the
screen) have higher priority than those with lower y-values. */
// find all counters lying under the pointer
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ if
( mousex >= HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->X
&& mousex <= HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->X + 24 - 1
&& mousey >= HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y
&& mousey <= HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y + 24 - 1
{ hero[whichhero].foundbob = TRUE;
found = TRUE;
} }
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ if
( mousex >= JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->X
&& mousex <= JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->X + 24 - 1
&& mousey >= JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y
&& mousey <= JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y + 24 - 1
{ jarl[whichjarl].foundbob = TRUE;
found = TRUE;
} }
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ if
( mousex >= MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->X
&& mousex <= MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->X + 24 - 1
&& mousey >= MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y
&& mousey <= MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y + 24 - 1
{ monster[whichmonster].foundbob = TRUE;
found = TRUE;
} }
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if
( mousex >= TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->X
&& mousex <= TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->X + 24 - 1
&& mousey >= TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y
&& mousey <= TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y + 24 - 1
{ treasure[whichtreasure].foundbob = TRUE;
found = TRUE;
} }
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if
( mousex >= SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->X
&& mousex <= SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->X + 24 - 1
&& mousey >= SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y
&& mousey <= SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y + 24 - 1
{ sord[whichsord].foundbob = TRUE;
found = TRUE;
} }
if (!found)
{ return(-1);
// determine which counter is topmost (ie. which is lower on the screen)
foundy = -1;
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ if
( hero[whichhero].foundbob
&& HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y > foundy
{ whichcounter = whichhero;
*(countertype) = HERO;
foundy = HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y;
hero[whichhero].foundbob = FALSE;
for (whichjarl = 0; whichjarl <= JARLS; whichjarl++)
{ if
( jarl[whichjarl].foundbob
&& JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y > foundy
{ whichcounter = whichjarl;
*(countertype) = JARL;
foundy = JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y;
jarl[whichjarl].foundbob = FALSE;
for (whichmonster = 0; whichmonster <= MONSTERS; whichmonster++)
{ if
( monster[whichmonster].foundbob
&& MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y > foundy
{ whichcounter = whichmonster;
*(countertype) = MONSTER;
foundy = MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y;
monster[whichmonster].foundbob = FALSE;
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if
( treasure[whichtreasure].foundbob
&& TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y > foundy
{ whichcounter = whichtreasure;
*(countertype) = TREASURE;
foundy = TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y;
treasure[whichtreasure].foundbob = FALSE;
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if
( sord[whichsord].foundbob
&& SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y > foundy
{ whichcounter = whichsord;
*(countertype) = SORD;
foundy = SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y;
sord[whichsord].foundbob = FALSE;
AGLOBAL void select_hero(SLONG whichhero, FLAG display)
{ if (hero[whichhero].promoted != -1)
{ HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->ImageData = SelectedJarlData[hero[whichhero].promoted];
} else
{ HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->ImageData = SelectedHeroData[whichhero];
// InitMasks(HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void deselect_hero(SLONG whichhero, FLAG display)
{ if (hero[whichhero].promoted != -1)
{ HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->ImageData = JarlData[hero[whichhero].promoted];
} else
{ HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->ImageData = HeroData[whichhero];
// InitMasks(HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void select_jarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->ImageData = SelectedJarlData[whichjarl];
// InitMasks(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void deselect_jarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->ImageData = JarlData[whichjarl];
// InitMasks(JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite);
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void remove_hero(SLONG whichhero, FLAG display)
{ unslot_hero(whichhero);
HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->X = HIDDEN_X;
HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->Y = HIDDEN_Y;
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void remove_jarl(SLONG whichjarl, FLAG display)
{ unslot_jarl(whichjarl);
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->X = HIDDEN_X;
JarlBobPtr[whichjarl]->BobVSprite->Y = HIDDEN_Y;
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void remove_monster(SLONG whichmonster, FLAG display)
{ unslot_monster(whichmonster);
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->X = HIDDEN_X;
MonsterBobPtr[whichmonster]->BobVSprite->Y = HIDDEN_Y;
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void remove_treasure(SLONG whichtreasure, FLAG display)
{ unslot_treasure(whichtreasure);
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->X = HIDDEN_X;
TreasureBobPtr[whichtreasure]->BobVSprite->Y = HIDDEN_Y;
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void remove_sord(SLONG whichsord, FLAG display)
{ unslot_sord(whichsord);
SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->X = HIDDEN_X;
SordBobPtr[whichsord]->BobVSprite->Y = HIDDEN_Y;
if (display)
{ refreshcounters();
} }
AGLOBAL void refreshcounters(void)
{ WaitTOF();
DrawGList(MainWindowPtr->RPort, ViewPortAddress(MainWindowPtr));
AGLOBAL void reset_images(void)
{ SLONG whichhero;
for (whichhero = 0; whichhero <= HEROES; whichhero++)
{ HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite->ImageData = HeroData[whichhero];
// InitMasks(HeroBobPtr[whichhero]->BobVSprite);
} }
AGLOBAL void hero_info(SLONG whichhero)
{ SLONG infobobs = 0, whichsord, whichtreasure;
if (!(InfoGInfoPtr = setupGelSys(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 0x03)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't set up GELs!\0", 24);
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if (sord[whichsord].possessortype == HERO
&& sord[whichsord].possessor == whichhero)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = SordData[whichsord];
if (!(InfoBobPtr[0] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make hero sword bob!\0", 24);
AddBob(InfoBobPtr[0], InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
InfoBobPtr[0]->BobVSprite->X = 600;
InfoBobPtr[0]->BobVSprite->Y = 16;
infobobs = 1;
} }
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if (treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == HERO
&& treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == whichhero)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = TreasureData[whichtreasure];
if (!(InfoBobPtr[infobobs] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make hero treasure bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(InfoBobPtr[infobobs], InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
InfoBobPtr[infobobs]->BobVSprite->X = 600;
InfoBobPtr[infobobs]->BobVSprite->Y = 16 + (infobobs * (24 + 4));
} }
DrawGList(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, ViewPortAddress(InfoWindowPtr));
AGLOBAL void jarl_info(SLONG whichjarl)
{ SLONG infobobs = 0, whichsord, whichtreasure;
if (!(InfoGInfoPtr = setupGelSys(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, 0x03)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't set up GELs!\0", 24);
for (whichsord = 0; whichsord <= SORDS; whichsord++)
{ if (sord[whichsord].possessortype == JARL
&& sord[whichsord].possessor == whichjarl)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = SordData[whichsord];
if (!(InfoBobPtr[0] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make jarl sword bob!\0", 24);
AddBob(InfoBobPtr[0], InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
InfoBobPtr[0]->BobVSprite->X = 600;
InfoBobPtr[0]->BobVSprite->Y = 16;
infobobs = 1;
} }
for (whichtreasure = 0; whichtreasure <= TREASURES; whichtreasure++)
{ if (treasure[whichtreasure].possessortype == JARL
&& treasure[whichtreasure].possessor == whichjarl)
{ NewBob.nb_Image = TreasureData[whichtreasure];
if (!(InfoBobPtr[infobobs] = makeBob(&NewBob)))
{ DisplayAlert(AT_Recovery, "\0\20\20Saga: Can't make jarl treasure bob(s)!\0", 24);
AddBob(InfoBobPtr[infobobs], InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
InfoBobPtr[infobobs]->BobVSprite->X = 600;
InfoBobPtr[infobobs]->BobVSprite->Y = 16 + (infobobs * (24 + 4));
} }
DrawGList(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, ViewPortAddress(InfoWindowPtr));
AGLOBAL void uninfo(void)
{ SLONG whichinfobob;
for (whichinfobob = 0; whichinfobob <= TREASURES + 1; whichinfobob++)
{ if (InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob])
{ RemBob(InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob]);
} }
if (InfoGInfoPtr)
{ SortGList(InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
DrawGList(InfoWindowPtr->RPort, ViewPortAddress(InfoWindowPtr));
for (whichinfobob = 0; whichinfobob <= TREASURES + 1; whichinfobob++)
{ if (InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob])
{ freeBob(InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob], NewBob.nb_RasDepth);
InfoBobPtr[whichinfobob] = NULL;
} }
if (InfoGInfoPtr)
{ cleanupGelSys(InfoGInfoPtr, InfoWindowPtr->RPort);
} }